FORT Program

Families Obtaining Recovery Together

What kinds of services are provided?

  • Certified Family Recovery Specialist Services (CFRS)

    A Certified Family Recovery Specialist (CFRS) utilizes their own lived experience to help empower individuals to identify their strengths, and set goals. A CFRS may have experienced some of the same challenges and could bring a valuable perspective to you.

  • Individual, Couples, and Family Counseling

    Our counselors provide a multidisciplinary approach to treatment unique to each program member while simultaneously working collaboratively with our treatment team (CFRS and Case Manager) to provide a wide array of support and skills. Working with a counselor will allow FORT program member to develop and maintain healthy lifestyles and recovery management skills to utilize with family members and loved ones. All counselors possess a thorough understanding of MARS-ATP’s of treating both the individual struggling with a substance use through outpatient treatment and the family experiencing their loved one’s struggle through the FORT Program. Our counselors have extensive knowledge and background of substance use and co-occurring diagnosis.

  • Case Management Services

    Case Management Services will help in expanding the network of social services available to your family and help FORT Program members access needed services. Case management offers FORT Program members a single point of contact to assist in navigating the healthcare system and the community resources.

The FORT Program is funded by Lehigh County Drug and Alcohol and Northampton County Drug and Alcohol Division

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